Batavia Township

The Batavia Township Board of Trustees have entered into a contractual agreement with the Clermont County Sheriff’s Office to enhance law enforcement services to the citizens of Batavia Township. Currently there are eight full-time deputies assigned to the township; Deputy Eric Benkelmann, Deputy Dylan Bailey, Deputy Chase Jester, Deputy Kevin Nickell, Deputy Ethan Eyre, Deputy Cassidy Pettit-Deimling, Deputy Bobby Pham and Deputy Joshua Dales. Township deputies operate out of the township sub-station located at 1535 Clough Pike, Batavia, Ohio 45103, and are supplemented by patrol and investigative service units operating out of the main headquarters located at 4470 St. Rt. 222, Batavia, Ohio 45103.

The Batavia Township sub-station may be contacted at 753-2873. The main headquarters may be contacted at 732-7500.