Vacation Watch Request

A “Vacation Watch” service is offered to residents living in select villages and unincorporated areas of townships patrolled by the Clermont County Sheriff’s Office. While on vacation, the Sheriff’s Office Road Patrol will conduct random security checks of your unoccupied home*.

This service is available to residents living in areas of the following unincorporated township areas or listed villages:


  1. Submit the form at least 5 days before leaving
  2. If your travel plans change, please notify the Sheriff’s Office at (513) 732-7500
  3. We encourage you to protect your home by reviewing the tips found on the National Crime Prevention Council website (publications/brochures section) located at:
Vacation Watch Request

Enter Description

*The Clermont County Sheriff’s Office will make every effort to perform multiple security checks on your home while you are away. The number of times your home is checked will vary based on deputy staffing and the volume of priority service calls received during each shift.