-Stop newspaper & mail delivery; or have your neighbor collect them for you.
-Make your house looks lived in; have a neighbor put out & take in your trash cans, mow the lawn or clear snow off your cars & walkways.
-Set lights on timers in multiple rooms. Set timers to go off and on at different times. Use exterior motion sensor lights in the front and rear of your home.
-Lock all doors and window, including the garage door. Use high quality locks on your doors.
-Tell a trusted neighbor when you’re leaving and returning, and ask them to watch your home. Give them a phone number where you can be reached, and a spare key for emergencies.
-Alert your local law enforcement agency to watch your home while away
(Residents of Clermont County: read about a Vacation Watch Request).
-Consider a home security system. Burglars usually select unoccupied homes without alarm systems as their targets. Make sure your security system includes a loud inside alarm, detectors at all exterior doors, and motion sensors in the main living areas.